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For all those who are new to #vlR.Community! And interested in our story!

Well, where shall I begin?! It all started at 06/12/2011, when Clans United splitted for the first time, because some selfish decisions were made, a small group of fullmembers left cU and founded #vl​R. as a concurence of cU.But unfortunately #vl​R's. life was too short, because people still favoured cU. #vl​R. even lost its server. So we gave up our dream to be a concurent of cU.​

But time goes by and cU splitted up again because of inner troubles, then we decided its time to reactivated #vlR​. with full of new thoughts and full of plans. We set up some kinda hierarchy in here, not like we had the lack of that in past.

This is a very short version of our community, but if you're interested in more, feel free to contact any of the Leaders/Coleaders/Fullmembers.

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